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Nov 29, 2022

When your husband is there but not there, it’s lonely. It’s also stressful and exhausting. When you’re reaching out trying to get reassurance and he doesn’t respond, it only reinforces how disconnected you are, which hurts. A lot.

If this goes on for a long time, you feel a wave of hopelessness that it will...

Nov 22, 2022

When my marriage was full of drama, it was incredibly taxing. I felt so overwhelmed and consumed by our problems. It was painful and exhausting to fight all the time and to feel so hopeless that it would ever get better. It robbed me of energy for other relationships, work, and having fun. What I know now is that...

Nov 15, 2022

When you fell in love with your husband, he made you feel beautiful, sexy and special. So it can be crushing to find out that he’s looking at other women online. It can make you feel undesirable, disappointed and less-than, not to mention lowering your opinion of him. Why would he sink so low to sneak around and look...

Nov 8, 2022

If he doesn't want you anymore, it does hurt—really bad. Whether his actions are speaking louder than words and he’s too busy to spend time with you or he’s saying he doesn’t want you or making plans to leave or has already left, it can give you the excruciating impression that you’re unlovable. And there’s...

Nov 1, 2022

When things were out of balance in my marriage, I was seething with resentment about my husband not doing enough chores or making enough money, which left me having to make up for him in both areas. I also had to control the finances since we were always so close to the edge and I knew he wouldn’t be able to handle...